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Private companies dolabuy gucci , for the first time in recorded history,months. and Ukraine.. More>> Binoy Kampmark: Budget Cockups In The Time Of Coronavirus: Reporting Errors And Australia's JobKeeper Scheme Hell has , in its raging fires, ringside seats for those who like their spreadsheets. The seating, already peopled by those from human resources, white collar criminals and accountants, becomes toastier for those who make errors with those spreadsheets.. More>>The Dig COVID 19: Just RecoveryThe COVID 19 crisis is compelling us to kick start investment in a regenerative and zero carbon future. We were bold enough to act quickly to stop the virus can we now chart a course for a just recovery? More>> The Conversation: Are New Zealand's New COVID 19 Laws And Powers Really A Step Towards A Police State?Reaction to the New Zealand government's handling of the COVID 19 ...